Saturday, August 29, 2009

Great find at Walmart

I'm posting today from my phone, as I am at work. Its a good perk to work at a cellular service place :)

Yesterday I was at walmart with the boy, and we were looking at school supplies/office supplies. We couldn't find the sized binder I needed in with the whole lot of school supplies... so we walked back to the office supplies section. While there not only did I find a TON of colored pens/markers and my binder, but I also found my cart! I know what you all are thinking, well guys... Its like a milk crate on wheels! Seriously... THE. MOST. AMAZING. THING. EVER.
Professors at school would always have them, and use them... I always wondered where they got theirs from... They would always tell us someplace online, and that was the only place they found them... Well I found one last night... FOR 20 BUCKS Non-the-less!!! AMAZING!
Yes I bought one!!! And I have my school stuff almost all set up in there!!!!!
Inservice starts Tuesday... School starts then the next Tuesday... I'm really officially getting nervous!!!

The joys of getting excited over school supplies!!!
Miss A!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

Thursday, August 27, 2009

School starts soon!

Teacher inservices start on the 1st, and then it is time for students to come on the 8th!  It's exciting, and I am officially getting nervous!  I'm used to going into a classroom and spending time teaching, and with the teachers/students, but I have never had this much of a responsibility before.  I'm really excited to teach, and super pumped to be in the classroom.  I'm excited for this experience, and can't wait til I can experience it as a teacher, rather than just a student.

What I don't understand though, is why student teaching has to be an unpaid experience.  Not even just an unpaid experience, but an experience where you have to pay for your 12 college credits, and you are basically asked to NOT hold a job at all while student teaching.  The thing with the paying the college for the credits, I think maybe what we are paying should be going to the schools who are willing to host us... or maybe go to giving us some options.  Basically you are asked to student teach in a district where you must drive at least a half an hour, pay rent, have food, etc.  Yet we are asked in a tone that says if you have a job, your going to mess up student teaching, your not going to make it a priority, and your going to fail.  Sorry to inform you, but I have to work.  I have no one who is going to pay 100% of my bills.  I have someone who will help me with communal bills, but I still have my own bills that I have to worry about.  Anyways I believe that is enough of me ranting on that subject!

One last quick note before I take off--- I passed my tests, that basically determined whether or not I was going to be able to become a teacher (my praxis 2).  Now all I really have to do is pass student teaching, apply for my license (in the meantime get my subbing license), and then find a job.  I'm so glad I took those two tests this summer, because I KNOW that there is absolutely NO way that I would be able to study for those, student teach, and work.  Wow!  Thank goodness I passed!

Excited to student teach, proud that I passed, and getting Nervous!
-Miss A.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I am going to be student teaching for 15 weeks in a 3rd grade classroom. I will be writing on here some of the challenges I have faced, as well as some triumphs. I want to share, and keep a record of how things went. All names will be changed, the location of where I am at will stay completely hidden, and everything will be real (besides that information).

Hopefully if you read this, and see something, you will comment and write tips or tricks on here that you have tried or done, or that you would like to share with me!

Whether a teacher or not, please feel free to comment and give your input- any negative, or rude comments will not be added/deleted from the site.

Love from My classroom, to you!