Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Once again, math SUCKED! I just don’t know what to do. I am getting a lot of information, and a lot of help on different ways to teach math, and especially this kind of adding, but I wish I could have found it on my own (the thing she taught last Thursday was the SAME THING we had discussed and she told me I should try after she was finished working on place value). I could have done it!!!!

Anyways, my journals are always going on and on about this subject. We started something in science- sequencing, and tomorrow we are going to be making peanut butter sandwiches based on what the students write down for directions on their sequencing paper. We even talked about how you must have a step 1, or a first, before you can have a step 2, or a next. I’m really excited. This was actually a lesson that came to me last minute. I remembered doing it in upper elementary and I thought that these third graders could definitely handle it. I’m excited to see how it goes.

I left a little early today to make it to the City Hall in town to get my tabs, hopefully that doesn’t look negatively on my records.

The last thing I want to talk about- I was approached by the gym teacher today, about a Jr. High Girls Basketball coaching position that they had available starting in a few weeks. I said I was interested, and he called the AD. The AD faxed over an application, I filled it out and faxed it back. Later on (not much but shortly after school), the AD called me and basically said the job was mine, seeing as I was the only one who showed interest in the position (is that a good thing, or a bad thing?). Practices and such will start while I am still student teaching, but I talked to the last coach (she coached last year) and she said that she didn’t have practice until almost 5. So if I could do the same thing that would work perfectly. It also comes at a good time, because I am basically no longer at my job (I will work weekends, but not anything else because of hours changing).

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