Friday, October 9, 2009


Integration day.  Doesn't that just make you want to jump for joy.  I'm excited to go, and see what the schools do, and also for the theme (book making) I think it would be fun to incorporate some of the ideas that they have/made the students make into an actual classroom setting.  I really think that students will enjoy it.

Bus rides- car rides are bad enough.  Bus rides, I don't even know what to say about them.  I wasn't excited, knowing that I get car sick, and I have ridden on a bus with students before, when I went on a field trip with a bunch of pre-schoolers before.  I don't know why, but it seemed as though the 3rd graders were way more obnoxious and loud than the preschoolers.  HOW RIDICULOUS!!!!  GRRR.  I was so mad.  They sang at the top of their lungs, talked really loud, and I seemed to have to just sit back and leave it.  At one point on the way there, the students were literally screaming the alphabet, and the bus driver looked at me in the mirror, and I just felt like I had to say something to the third graders to get them to STOP singing/screaming.  There was absolutely no need for it.  Other than that, and being car sick, it went ok.

Integration day was good.  I learned a lot about the book making process, and saw the teachers make a few really good books (I now just need to find some lesson to use them with!).  It really wasn't as bad as everyone else made it seem.  If it weren't for the bus ride, I would have enjoyed myself even more than I did.  I got to see other teachers rooms, and what seemed to be their teaching styles while they taught their groups of third graders.

That was my friday, plain and simple.

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