Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today seemed to be quite a laid-back day. There were many times that we just did “fun stuff” as we had finished many lessons the day before, and didn’t want to start new lessons right before a long break. The students would have lost everything. We did our weekly spelling test, and we also did a math test, but other than that we did more “fun stuff” like I had said.

The fun stuff pertained to interesting things that I found on the SMARTboard. Games such as hangman, and a sorting game where we sorted singular and plural nouns. We also got to play some sparkle, which seems to be something that the students enjoy a lot! I read a new Alexander book that I had never read before, something about him and his family moving, but Alexander was not going to move, there was no way! It was interesting, I really enjoy reading! Other than that, it was a lot of make up work, and talking/reading as it was the last day for AR of the ribbon period!

I’m excited to start the weekend, and work on all of my projects that I have to get done before next week, as well as planning for all the subjects in the class 

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