Today seemed to be a blur. I honestly don’t remember a lot about today. It seemed to fly by. We took a reading test today, that I think the students did fairly well on. There are a few students who still don’t quite understand authors purpose, but we will continue to work on that. Other than that, it was a day of getting things finished, and working really hard on math as there is a math test tomorrow. We did quite a few things in social studies with communities, we talked a lot about rural, suburban, and urban communities. I even drew a picture of these on the board! I will attach that picture here. Students were interested in that more than they were in any other activity.
Miss M and I after that had talked about a town that came up, that in my opinion would be a surburban community because it is big enough, and close enough, but Miss M would have catergorized it into the rural area, because it is still too far away. I guess that is something that will always come up, there are going to be things that we are going to differ on, and I don’t know if that is going to change. I took what she said, and thought that maybe she was right, and that I shouldn’t do what I think of something when I’m not 100% sure of the community, or area for that matter. I just took what I knew and applied it. We had also talked about how you shouldn’t tell students that you can’t draw, because the students were laughing at my drawings (which doesn’t really matter to me), but if I wouldn’t have said that I couldn’t draw, they wouldn’t have even said anything and accepted it as acceptable work.
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