Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today was a day from crazy town. There was a fire drill in the afternoon (good thing it wasn’t too chilly out), found out there will be a lockdown tomorrow. We also had to work on our science experiment that we will be doing this week. It seems that students are really getting into it and it really only does take us five-ten minutes during the morning to get it finished. On our way down to art, I saw the art teacher and gave him a little heads up that we were having a bit of a listening and following directions problem today. Mr. H then said ok, and I went back to the classroom. I went down to get the students from art, and I was patiently waiting while Mr. H finished his directions to dismiss the students. Mr. H had to give his simple direction 10 times!!! Guess what that simple direction was- SIT IN YOUR SEATS! Seriously, that isn’t a direction that should need to be given 10 times before students listen. At least now I know that it isn’t just Miss M and I that are having problems with them listening and following directions. I’m so confused on what to do and where to go to next.

The rest of the day seemed to have just gone by without knowing what happened. We once again didn’t get social studies and science in because there wasn’t any time. Students were given time (by me) to work on their corrections, and also to finish their math papers that seemed to take them an hour. I was doing the lesson, and was going to do more, but the students seemed to get it. They seemed like they understood compatible numbers, and they understood rounding (as they had worked on it for days on end). I gave them their worksheets and students right off the bat had questions, even though each one could answer the questions I asked them during the lesson (which were the same/similar to the ones on the worksheet). I helped students, Miss M helped students, and so did our aide that comes into the room during math. We were all walking around helping student after student. They took over an hour to do the 2 worksheets. It was crazy. Next time I’ll know to slow down, and really make sure that they understand what is going on before I move onto the worksheet (even though I really did think that they understood).

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