Friday, October 23, 2009


Today was Grandparent’s day. The other dreaded day (day of concerts, and programs) that I have been warned about. It wasn’t completely horrible, but it seemed to be a day of complete and utter chaos. Students were in and out because of Title, and we had practice and an AR ribbon ceremony in the morning. They were in the classroom for not even an hour before they headed down to the gym for the ribbon ceremony. After that they had their practice for the concert later that afternoon. They came up to the classroom and were there for 15 minutes before they needed to go back down for gym. After gym is the usual lunch and recess, and then followed by that they came up to the room and listened to their story, and did corrections in their daily math and daily language books. They also had some AR time if they were finished with their corrections. Students were in the classroom for roughly an hour before having to head down to the concert. Then it was the end of the day.

It wasn’t a horrible day, but it wasn’t the greatest either. We didn’t get anything accomplished, and it felt like I didn’t even teach them one bit. What a weird sort of day, but at the same time, it was kind of a refreshing, relaxing day to spend some quality time working with students rather than rushing to get things finished.

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