Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Day 2 went pretty good, I can't complain too much.  This morning was a bunch of meetings/whole group ordeals.  I introduced myself to the whole district (high school, elementary, and staff).  After introductions of new staff (and student teacher), announcements were made, and some things were discussed.  The groups then disbursed to go to their respective meetings.  I was told that I wasn't allowed to go into the meeting my mentor teacher went to and other staff had their meetings to go to.  So I sat by myself (basically doing nothing BY MYSELF!!!) for almost an hour and a half.  The Superintendent asked to see if I could go into the meeting, and came back and told me I could.  It wasn't that I didn't want to go in, but I didn't want to disobey my mentor teacher... that wouldn't be good (so hopefully that isn't a stike against me!).  The superintendent then checked up on me a few times, making sure that I was ok (he seemed genuinely sympathetic) and I just sat there... doing my own thing.  I wrote myself notes like what my classroom jobs were and what each job would be in charge of, what I needed to do when I got back to the school, what I needed to do when I got home, and what just in general needed to be accomplished.  After that meeting (or most of it) was time for blood-bourne pathogens, and right to know.  After finishing meethings, it then became lunch time (provided by horace-mann), and time for chatting, extra announcements, and other concerns.  Teachers then broke into their own classrooms, or small groups/headed back to the elementary school (we met at the high school) to finish up things/keep moving.
I helped Ms. M do hanging and some scheduling... we talked about lesson planning (the differences between school lessons, that I will have to do, and the ones that I have to do for student teaching), calling in sick protocol, students and their needs/where they are at, and some other things.  I spent some time talking to one of the 4th grade teachers, and one of the 5th grade teachers, hearing their words of advice, and what they have come to notice. 
All in all a good day!
Now tonight, I have to look through books, write my parent letter introducing myself, and start my journal.
The joys of almost being done with day 1!
Miss A

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