Friday, September 18, 2009


Today was a good day. I felt a little better, I wasn’t as sick as I had been the rest of this week!

I did the spelling test this morning. In the middle of it, I had a coughing attack, but other than that I think it went really well. The only problem with that is that its really hard, because the students have to turn their desks around (so that they are not looking at the wall because their spelling words are on the word wall {spelling is word wall based}) and then they had to understand that there was absolutely no talking, and no turning around. Besides the coughing attack, I think I did pretty well. Next spelling test, we have to cut the test in half for one of the students, so I need to know what the first 7 words are so that he knows what words to study. The students test on the same 14 words for a month, before they get a new list, there are September words, October words, etc… and then each month also has a few bonus words. Spelling is weird because it isn’t the way that we did spelling in elementary, but I’ve seen spelling that is even more different than that before. So this isn’t the first time that I have seen something strange during a spelling class.

Other than that, basically everything the students did today, for almost every class involved either a test, AR. Math they did their daily math (which I taught, like usual) and then they had a test, reading had a test, There was no science or Social again today, as they spilled into science with their math test, and had to watch a movie on making the constitution (yesterday was constitution day and Miss M forgot, and I didn’t even know it was yesterday). Once the movie was done, students who stayed for social studies got time for AR, and to correct mistakes in their daily math books, and their spelling test books. As well as Daily language (I forgot we did those books yesterday).

That was basically my day yesterday. I watched Music class. That was interesting to see. I felt as though the music teacher didn’t really have control of the room, and the students were playing bells/xylophones. It was loud, and the students couldn’t stop playing them, even when they were asked to. Students were constantly hitting them, she would tell them to put the mallets on their shoulders, they would for a bit, and then start playing again whether she asked them to or not. Either that or they would mess with the mallets. Students were asked not to hit the bells hard, but they would anyways. It seemed like the teacher yelled more than was necessary, and it was just loud.

Next week should be good, but I have a TON of lesson plans to write (I have my week planned out; I got that done while students were taking their reading tests… I think Miss M was quite surprised that I got it done that quickly, I was doing lessons for Science, Social, handwriting, and then daily math, daily language, and also a reading group). So I had just as many subjects to plan for as she did, and all she got done was 1 spelling day, and I think she decided that we were going to do a poetry unit in reading, which works well because I was going to do a poem with my reading group! I also have to do plans for the day that Miss M will be gone. There will be a sub in the room, and I will basically be doing all the teaching. I’m not sure on what I think about that… I’m excited for the teaching point, and being able to teach the entire day, but then at the same time, I don’t think its fair that I should have to plan for her lessons… I’m ok with doing it, and I need the practice, but I should be doing her plans for the lessons (she is going to be giving me where the students will be at on Thursday by Monday, but what if they are off, what if they aren’t at that point?) I’m not complaining because it gives me practice, and it gives me an idea… but at the same time, I should be able to follow sub plans as well, and I think that would be the fairest idea! I’m not sure though, I guess we will see!

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