Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today is Tuesday, and it felt like Monday all over again. The very first thing that happened was the Miss M and I found out that a student was moving schools for the time being, and no one has any idea how long she will be gone. She switched districts, un-enrolled from our school, and re-enrolled into a different school. She will then un-enroll at some point, and re-enroll into our school. It seems to be a complicated situation, and doesn’t really make sense other than the fact that this particular student can’t afford to miss school, and really needs to stay in a school district. She is one of the students who is in the bottom percentile and really needs as much help as she can get. Hopefully she gets that in the new school, and can come back and not be so far behind the class.

Spelling I saw the final piece, guess the covered word. I can now completely take it on. I have been doing all the lesson planning for all the subjects besides math and English, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the amount of lesson planning (doing the elementary schools stuff, and then doing the college’s stuff). I am trying to get it all done, and need continue to work really hard. Sometimes its overwhelming, but I know that I can handle it. I also don’t think that it would be so hard if I didn’t have another job (which isn’t much, but once I get home, I’m exhausted). I know that I shouldn’t be working and my main priority needs to be student teaching, and it is, but I can’t afford to not have a job. I spend 90% of my time on Student teaching, the other 10 on my other job, and no time on myself. I need to find a comfortable place between all of these. I’m surviving, and am used to multi-tasking, and it is also nice that I can do some of my school work at my job. I just wish that I didn’t have to double dip myself.

Anyways, enough of my rambling. There really isn’t much different on the day to day front. I think that I am getting on my best part of keeping the students on task, and listening. It is really hard sometimes to get them to be quiet, and yesterday Miss M and I talked about how I should try to change that and make it better. We came up with the conclusion that I need to come off as more of a boss figure, rather than a friend quiet type. I need to take control, and show them that I am in charge of the classroom. I knew this was a problem, and I thought I was handling it ok, until yesterday. I worked on that today, and I think I did a good job. I am also doing well with, if I say we aren’t doing something, or aren’t moving on until something is finished, I stick with it.

Things are going well, I hope they continue to work up to me being even better.

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