Tuesday, September 8, 2009

week 2:day 1

Today was the first day with students!
Hooray, it was a great day!

The students came in, some with parents, some without. We made these bead counters (beads on a string roped together to kind of form an abacus type thing) while we waited to head down to the gym for a welcoming from staff and teachers to parents and students. I was introduced; the lead teacher had a hard time pronouncing my last name, so I corrected her after a bit. After the introductions of faculty and staff the students, parents, and staff went and had cookies and milk/juice and played outside for a bit. The students then returned to their rooms, and the learning began. Miss Moll spent the morning explaining rules, things that were being sent home with the kids, the jobs of the classroom, how the SMART board works, and many other miscellaneous things.
I lead the students to basically all the activities that they had, and helped students later on in the day when they were working on their daily language and daily math worksheets (in their workbooks). I also helped with a few other things. After school the teachers had a staff meeting. I sat in on that while they talked about the open house they had that morning, and the ideas that went with that. They also discussed things that had to do with lunch duty, and then committees.

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