Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today was quite the day!  I'm amazed at how quickly it went in the morning, but then it slowed WAYYY down in the afternoon (I think it might possibly be because it was way to hot!!)
The students are slowly getting used to the new schedule, and the new rules.  The procedures have definitely changed for a lot of students from 2nd grade to 3rd grade.  It actually surprises me how completely different they two grades are.  Morning routine, classroom jobs, rules, even the way they can get to their classrooms have all changed.  Yes I know, these are 3rd graders, but they are now allowed to be upstairs.  A stair case they didn't even know they could go up, brings them to their classroom on a daily basis.  It truly is amazing!

I also find it really funny/cute to see how innocent these kids are.  I told a child today that when they played with their necklace, it turned their neck red (from pulling on it, I was trying to get them to stop).  They looked at me, and said "are you serious?", like it was something they couldn't even imagine.  It was definitely something that just made me realize how much I will love my teaching job (and currently do, even though it isn't really my job).  The love I have already made for these students is so unexplainable, I don't even know what to say.
Onto what happened during day 2!  Students came in, some remembered the morning procedure, some did not! They learned how spelling was going to go, and did a practice test.  They then moved onto their reading and English portion. They spent quite a bit of time learning how the pages in their Daily Language books are corrected, and how to know what to do when they see different markings.  This took some time.  The students had music today, but Miss M. forgot so the students went down late (after getting a call from the music teacher).  The students then went to gym, lunch, recess, and then came back to the room and listened to a story being read.  They then had math, and discussed again how their daily math pages were corrected, and what different markings meant.  The students then had a meeting around a pod of desks, where Miss M told them the expectations of third grade.  It was not to get the right answer, if that was what she was looking for, she would have given them the answer book and they could copy from the answer book.  Instead it is about knowing how to do the problems, figuring them out, and plain period knowing.  The students disbursed and started working on Tuesdays (day 2) daily math sheet.  The students worked on the problems that they were told they could work on.  Some students asked me/told me that they could work on other problems, so I was telling them that if they knew how to do it, they could move on.  Then Miss M told other students the opposite, so she told the whole class that they should only be doing the problems she had said to do (I didn't find this fair, or right by any means, I thought that if they knew how to move on, they could, but they also needed to listen when the problems are explained).  Miss M then worked on fractions, and the other 2 problems from the daily math sheet.  Students then worked on their worksheet for math.  I worked out in the hall with a student who hadn't quite finished when Miss M wanted to move onto handwriting.  In the hall I realized that the student knew what he was doing facts wise, just couldn't apply the pattern part to the problems (or wasn't trying).  It was then the end of the day.  I walked astudent down to get her sister to take to the bus, waited with them until the driver/outside staff came outside (we got out earlier than expected).  Went back in, asked Miss M if she wanted or needed me to correct or do anything, and she told me no.  Even though she had plenty of pages to correct, she has a "law" you assign them, you correct them. That's fine, but I don't want to hear her complain anymore about how many worksheets, and workbooks she has to correct.  I offered my services.
Tomorrow will be a trying day, as I really messed up my ankle today, I pray that everything goes well, and that my ankle heals nicely so that tomorrow is a good day!

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