Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 4:Day 1

Today was a good day. Today went really well. It was a rainy day, and students seemed to be a little more talkative, but also seemed to be busy-bodies. I thought that this wasn’t really an effect, but maybe it is. The other day I was pointed out to a certain student in Miss M’s class by a Para, and she said to keep watch of a little boy because he was always grabbing. I didn’t realize, and have been trying to pay attention to it, but I haven’t really noticed. I was hoping that I could find a reason for why he was doing this, but I haven’t really seen him do it. I have also noticed the third graders obsession with the scent of things. They smell EVERYTHING!!!! They also have an obsession of hand sanitizer, but almost all the students in this elementary school do. They insist on using hand sanitizer instead of soap and water, no matter how many times you tell them that it is BEST to use SOAP AND WATER. They just don’t understand. If one students gets up and blows their nose, and then uses the hand sanitizer, they all have to get up and either blow their noses too, or use the hand sanitizer. It drives me nuts because my hands are sensitive to the stuff, and I break out in hives when I use it. It is ridiculous the amount of times these kids think they need to use it.

NWEA testing had gone on today. The 3rd graders took their math portion of the test. It took some students 20 minutes to do 52 math problems (some were so hard, that I don’t even think I would have come up with the answer without giving myself time to think). The problems on the test ranged from super simple questions that every one of the third graders could answer, to questions that made students drop their jaws to the floor.

Times of day have been crazy busy. The one thing I have noticed about this classroom is that I really enjoy having the SMART board. If I could ask for one thing to be available to EVERY classroom teacher no matter what, it would be a SMART board. The things that are available to you, and you can do on them, is outstanding.

There really wasn’t anything different in today, other than the fact that I taught Science and Social Studies, and will continue to throughout the rest of my time. There was also a staff meeting today after school. There wasn’t really much said, other than the Paraprofessionals were going to take back their lunch duty, and teachers were going to go back to the way it was. Apparently it is because the teachers would give the para’s dirty looks if they were not in the lunch room on exact time when they were suppose to be, and the paras didn’t like that. The teachers were very happy about it! I didn’t really care, because I didn’t know really any different, but I kind of enjoyed having lunch with students, it gave me a time to get to know them. I know that teachers shouldn’t be students friends on to much of a level, but it was just nice. I’m also very glad that we don’t have to be down there anymore also though, because it gives me more time to be upstairs working on my school stuff, or time for me to be with other teachers, and talking.

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