Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 1:Day 1

Today is officially day 1. I should be saying was officially, because I am no longer at school. As I'm sitting here thinking... I'm trying to figure out why I didn't bring some of the textbooks home to look at/over to really familiarize myself with the things 3rd graders are learning!
Anyways enough about that... onto what happened today! I was early, as I try to always be! Met in the library with other teachers, met the superintendent. Not only did I not introduce myself first, but I shook his hands with sticky donut-fingers! (I know most of you are laughing at me! Seriously it was a weird moment, but one I will never forget!!!). I was then asked to talk a little about myself in front of all the rest of the teachers, and I did (hopefully I don't have to do that again tomorrow when the whole district is together!) just mainly introduce myself. Pretty much the entire school seems to be welcoming and kind. There were a few teachers that made it a point to stop in and discuss things, tell me if I needed anything, had questions, or wanted to observe/teach somewhere else once to pop in and see them. I really felt accepted!
Ms. M and I spent most of the rest of the day then up in the classroom organizing, decorating, talking/laughing/advising about different topics. We then went downstairs to get trained in on the new copy machine (wasn't really too new for me, but most of the teachers had no idea that a printer could do stuff like that... Some was new to me!) to basically end the day. I went upstairs to finish my to-do list while Ms. M ran to another meeting to finish out the day. Other than that, I left with a guilty conscious at 3, but I finished everything that I was to do, and the other 3rd grade teacher was at the meeting to, and I wasn't quite comfortable with other teachers yet.... So I left!
The joys of having day 1 completed!!!
Miss A
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

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