Friday, September 4, 2009


Well, week one is over.  What an experience.  It was nice to meet a bunch of new teachers... hear their ideas.... see their things... and be a part of something neat.

I have had a lot of fun, and plenty of times where I had no idea what I should be doing!  My mentor teacher is quite weird, a lot of fun, and very unorganized!  I also learned that she likes to be in control, and has some issues with that, so hopefully we can work through that.  I wish I could teach full days more often, and sooner... but I'm not sure that will happen.  I will be able to teach a lesson here and there, but nothing that will be set in stone/full days.  Some here and there, but that is about it!  Hopefully that goes ok, and I can have the reins a little bit.

Yesterday was a day of going over our teacher/student student teaching handbooks.  We went over almost everything in there, talked and discussed things I need to do, planned what I can do for my unit (science, not my favorite, but its ok, I don't mind science), rules she has in her classroom, a few expectations, and then just other general information.

First week went really well in my opinion... it was a long week, and I am completely exhausted (why I'm not sleeping in today, is a new story to me {trying not to ruin the new sleeping pattern too much}) I'm ready for this relaxing, teaching material filled weekend (working on units, lesson plans, and other teaching stuff).

Sorry this is short, and late!
Miss A!

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